Invisalign Treatment Burwood

Our Invisalign Sydney Dentists help you straighten your teeth without anyone knowing!

Invisalign's clear aligner technology allows our registered Invisalign provider dentists to provide our patients with a new comfortable way to straighten their teeth while they sleep.

What is Invisalign & why is it considered to be so special?

The Invisalign clear aligner technology is a discreet, comfortable solution that allows you to straighten your teeth using virtually invisible aligner trays so that you can achieve a straighter teeth without anyone knowing.

Types of teeth alignment issues that Invisalign Treatment can fix

Learn more about the different types of alignment issues Invisalign can fix by clicking on the image that’s relevant to you.

Some Successful Invisalign Transformations

Explore some of our favourite Invisalign before & after transformation photos from our wonderful patients.

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

How much does Invisalign Cost in Sydney?

The price of Invisalign in Sydney varies depending on case complexity and the duration required to achieve your desired outcome. Our average price for Invisalign starts from as little as $4,000 for simple corrections. A moderate case is priced around $6,500, or a complex case due to major crowding or overlapping could be priced at around $8,500.

Our dentist Burwood will be able to give you a price recommendation based on  your initial orthodontic consultation! The consultation includes a scan of your teeth with a 3D intraoral scanner.

What are the benefits of Invisalign clear aligner technology?

The Invisalign clear braces innovation is changing the way people straighten crooked teeth. However, even though Invisalign has taken the world by storm there are still countless more benefits that we haven’t mentioned below.

Being able to remove your clear aligner trays for any reason you see fit is also another great feature that makes Invisalign the first pick for so many people who want to straighten their teeth but have the flexibility to remove any time.

Invisalign is great for people who actively play sports of all competition levels. This is because compared to alternative solutions like braces, there are no metal attachments that can cut the inside of your mouth and lips if you receive contact to the area of your mouth through contact sports.

Without the restrictions of metal bars attached to your teeth it is simply easy to clean your teeth and maintain your oral hygiene throughout your Invisalign treatment.

It’s recommended to avoid eating chewy foods, crunchy foods, sticky and hard foods when straightening your teeth; But because you can remove your invisible trays to eat they can be all back on the menu.

Due to Invisalign’s take home style system there are far less visits to your dental office which really makes life so much easier as you do not have to consistently miss work (or school for your children) in order to adjust the pressure and continue to progress your teeth alignment.

STOP hiding your smile!

Are you suffering from crooked or poorly aligned teeth? Many people have spent their entire life being unsatisfied with the look of their smile, always hiding it in photos and holding back their laughter in public places. If you no longer wish to hide your teeth now could be the right time to learn more about the different Invisalign solutions that are available.

Looking for a Sydney Invisalign Provider to enhance your smile but not sure what treatments would work for you?

Look no further than our No Obligation Invisalign Consultation.

Take a small step forwards and book your Invisalign Consultation today and finally be free from the burden and discomfort you have experiencing.


Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign works much like traditional braces. The constant pressure from your aligners will gradually align your teeth without the need for metal brackets and wires. Approximately every two weeks you will swap to a new set of aligners – gradually getting straighter and straighter teeth.

In order to get started your dentist will take a digital scan of your teeth. These scans will be sent to Invisalign headquarters where Invisalign uses cutting-edge three dimensional computer graphics as part of their patented software which manufactures individual Invisalign aligners for each patient. Patients wear each set of aligners for approximately two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series.

The answer is virtually always ‘Yes’, Invisalign can fix almost every tooth alignment issue and can do almost everything that braces can do to straighten teeth. The results are amazing!

Our Invisalign Dentist has over 16 years of orthodontic experience and has been an Invisalign provider since 2008. However, we also believe in continuous learning which is why Dr Nidhi Berera is also finishing a post-graduate diploma in clear digital aligners this year.

Our Invisalign Dentist has over 16 years of orthodontic experience and has been an Invisalign provider since 2008. However, we also believe in continuous learning which is why Dr Nidhi Berera is also finishing a post-graduate diploma in clear digital aligners this year.

It depends on how much crowding you have and what treatment outcome you want. A consultation with our certified Invisalign dentist will help you get the information you need to make a decision.

You are required to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours per day for the best results. The length of your treatment time depends on how crowded your teeth are. Simple cases can be completed in as little as 4-6 months.

Yes. You will need to wear your aligner trays during the day and at night to ensure your teeth don’t move back to their previous positions – For the best results, we recommended that you only remove your clear aligner trays when you are eating.

Currently, we are running a promotion that offers Sydney patients a Free Invisalign Consultation where they can come in and meet the dentist, discuss their alignment problems, receive a Free 3D intraoral scan of their teeth plus receive a custom treatment plan designed to achieve their desired smile outcome. For more information please call us on (02) 9739 1400

Get In Touch With Us Today!

*Some appointments require a refundable deposit during peak hour times.