Metal Braces Burwood

Achieve Straighter Teeth with Metal Braces

Welcome to The Dental Practice, where we are dedicated to providing effective orthodontic solutions, including traditional metal braces, to help you achieve a confident and beautifully aligned smile. Our experienced orthodontic team is committed to offering personalised treatments for effective and comprehensive orthodontic care.

Metal Braces: Time-Tested Orthodontic Solution

Metal braces have been a longstanding and reliable orthodontic treatment for correcting misaligned teeth and bite issues. Comprising high-grade stainless steel, metal braces are designed to effectively straighten teeth and provide comprehensive orthodontic care.

Some Successful Braces Transformations

Explore some of our favourite Braces before & after transformation photos from our wonderful patients.

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

Benefits of Metal Braces

Metal braces are renowned for their ability to address various orthodontic concerns, including crowded teeth, gaps, and bite irregularities, providing reliable and comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

Constructed from high-quality stainless steel, metal braces are durable and reliable, ensuring effective and long-term orthodontic correction.

Our team ensures that your metal braces are tailored to your unique orthodontic needs, providing a personalised and effective treatment plan.

Our Approach

Comprehensive Assessment

Our orthodontic team will conduct a thorough assessment of your orthodontic needs, discussing the potential benefits of metal braces and creating a personalsed treatment plan to address your specific alignment goals and oral health requirements.

Ongoing Support and Monitoring

Throughout your orthodontic journey, our team will provide continuous support and monitoring, ensuring that your treatment progresses effectively and that you are comfortable and well-informed at every stage.

Experience the Transformation

If you are ready to achieve a straighter, more confident smile with time-tested orthodontic care, The Dental Practice is dedicated to helping you experience the transformative benefits of metal braces. Contact us to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a beautifully aligned smile.


Clear Braces Frequently Asked Questions

Prices start from $4,500, but your initial orthodontic consultation is free. Book it in now, and find out how clear braces can change your smile.

If your main goal is to improve the straightness of your teeth then it may be suitable for you. Upon your first meeting with the dentist Burwood team at The Dental Practice we will take a look at your smile and determine if any specialist orthodontic treatment is required.

If your main goal is to improve the straightness of your teeth then it may be suitable for you. Upon your first meeting with the team at The Dental Practice we will take a look at your smile and determine if any specialist orthodontic treatment is required.

99.7% of people think a smile is an important social asset – and as dentists we completely agree. Not only is a straight smile generally healthier, they also look appealing and may help you to appear more professional. According to studies, 74% of people think that an unattractive smile can adversely affect a person’s chance for employment and success. While this statistic may seem extreme, when you consider that your smile is one of the first things that people will notice, this does not come as a surprise.

As with all orthodontic treatment, it’s important that you wear a retainer to maintain your new straighter smile. You will have a number of options available to you, including a fitted retainer or a removable retainer. People often neglect wearing their removable retainers, so we recommend having a fitted retainer which is secured to the back of the teeth where it is unnoticeable. It’s imperative that you wear your retainer if you want straighter teeth for life.

Get In Touch With Us Today!

*Some appointments require a refundable deposit during peak hour times.