Orthodontist Burwood

Orthodontic Dentistry realigns & straightens teeth no matter your age!

Orthodontic dentistry has been practised for over 2,000 years and is capable of rehabilitating normal functionality while also achieving desired aesthetic outcomes for patients who suffer from jaw and tooth alignment issues.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is an area of dentistry specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of jaw and bite malalignment and crooked and crowded teeth. Treatment can be performed on adults and children and involves the use of corrective appliances such as braces, plates, headgear and aligners to move the teeth and jaws into proper alignment.

At The Dental Practice, our goal is to help all of our patients achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts for life.

Orthdontic treatments that we provide

Learn more about the Orthodontic treatments we provide by clicking one of the treatment types.

View Invisalign information

View Clear Braces Information

Common problems which Orthodontic Treatment can solve:

Crowded or crooked teeth

Crowded teeth look unappealing and are more difficult to clean. This can occur due to the difference between tooth size and jaw size.

Spaces between teeth

Large spaces between teeth look unattractive and can interfere with speech. This may be due to a difference in tooth size compared to jaw size or by tongue thrusting as a child.

Impacted teeth

A tooth is impacted if it fails to completely erupt from the gum. This can lead to gum problems, decay and damage to other teeth. Orthodontic treatment can be useful to create space and aid the tooth in erupting.

Protruding teeth

Protruding teeth are more prone to accidental damage and are usually the result of the upper and lower jaws being out of alignment. Protruding teeth can wear unevenly and over-erupt, causing gum damage and speech difficulties.

Missing teeth

Apart from aesthetic concerns, missing teeth have an impact on your long-term oral health as teeth on either side can drift into the space creating further problems. Orthodontic treatment can be used to solve this, often in conjunction with other permanent tooth replacement options such as dental implants.

Bite malalignments and chewing difficulties

This includes cross bite, open bite and under or over bite. In a normal mouth, the upper teeth should fit together with the lower teeth closing together on the outside like a lid on a box. Any variation from this can cause long term problems with eating, speech, uneven tooth wear , over eruption and jaw pain.

Orthodontics treatment for kids

Orthodontic treatment on younger patients, also known as early intervention, is growing more and more common. Whilst similar treatment solutions are offered, early intervention is often preferable as children’s bones are still developing, therefore making teeth easier to move into the correct position. Assessment and diagnosis at around the age of 7 or 8 is ideal as it may be possible to prevent serious problems from occurring as well as reduce treatment time.

Orthodontic Dentistry

The Dental Practice in Burwood offer orthodontics as part of smile rehabilitation treatment

Orthodontic treatment for adults

Standard orthodontic treatment is commonly used for adults, however, another popular treatment alternative is Invisalign. This is a series of custom-made clear aligners, similar to a sport mouthguard (Only much finer) that places pressure on the teeth moving them into position. The aligners are removable so you can enjoy all your favourite foods and clean your mouth normally. Replaced approximately every two weeks, Invisalign is virtually invisible, so no one can notice you are wearing them.

Although clear aligners are very popular, they are not suitable for every situation. At The Dental Practice, ceramic fixed braces are an alternative to metal braces and being tooth coloured, they blend with your teeth making them less noticeable.

Cfast is another way to straighten teeth in as little as six months that is also discreet and reliable. It is often recommended for adults that want to straighten their teeth but don’t want to have metal braces distracting from their appearance. These clear braces are used to cover the part of your smile referred to as the ‘social six’ which are the six most visible teeth when you smile. These are straightened with a tooth coloured wire and clear brackets that comfortably straighten your teeth.

However, Cfast does not work towards correcting your bite alignment and therefore, is only a cosmetic procedure. Traditional orthodontics usually takes a lot longer as you’re trying to improve the position of your jaw as well as the teeth; some people do not need this, which means Cfast might be the right option for them.

In some adult cases, because facial bones are no longer growing, some malocclusions cannot be corrected with braces alone. Orthodontic treatment combined with jaw surgery, dental implants or other dental treatments may be required to achieve the desired results.

Some Successful Orthodontic Transformations

Explore some of our favourite Orthodontic before & after transformation photos from our wonderful patients.

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications
*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

How much does Orthodontic treatment cost?

Orthodontic treatments depending on the severity cost anywhere between $3,900 to $12,000. The reason why there is such a big price difference is that sometimes treatments may only last 2-3 months when others can last up to, but not limited to, 24 months.

To give you a better indicator of the price we have provided a pricing table. Click the link below to view the pricing table and packages.

Looking for a Orthodontic Dentist Burwood to enhance your smile but not sure what treatments would work for you?

Look no further than our No Obligation Orthodontic Evaluation.

Take a small step forwards and book your Orthodontic Consultation today and finally be free from the burden and discomfort you have experiencing.


Orthodontics Frequently Asked Questions

We understand visiting a dentist can make some nervous, that is why we offer a variety of anti-anxiety treatments to help our patients through their dental phobias. These include Oral sedation, IV sedation/ or twilight sedation, Happy gas and General Anaesthesia.

Yes, when you call us the reception staff will assess your emergency by asking a series of questions to access the severity in order to arrange an appointment with one of our clinicians. They will also provide information on how to handle your emergency before your appointment.

If you would like to locate our address  Click here to view our location on maps.

Are you driving to your appointment? No problem! We are fortunate enough to have ample street parking available on Burwood Road, which is free for 2 hours between the times of 9 am to 3:30 pm.

Get In Touch With Us Today!

*Some appointments require a refundable deposit during peak hour times.