Teeth Cleaning Burwood

When did you last have your teeth cleaned by a dentist?

At The Dental Practice, we understand the importance of maintaining good oral health, which is why we offer comprehensive dental cleaning services in Burwood, NSW. Our team of experienced dental professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch dental care to ensure that your smile stays healthy and bright.

Benefits of Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings offer a multitude of benefits that go beyond just keeping your teeth clean and bright. Here are some of the key advantages of scheduling a dental cleaning every six months:

Common Questions About Dental Cleanings

Cost of Dental Cleaning

At The Dental Practice, we offer competitive pricing for our dental cleaning services. Whether you’re a new patient or a returning one, we have special offers to make dental cleanings accessible and affordable for everyone.

Does Dental Cleaning Damage Teeth?

Contrary to common misconceptions, dental cleaning does not damage teeth. Our skilled hygienists use specialised tools to remove tartar and plaque without harming the enamel, ensuring a thorough yet gentle cleaning experience.

Do I need Deep Teeth Cleaning?

For patients in need of deep teeth cleaning, our team conducts a detailed consultation and examination to provide personalised treatment plans. The cost of deep teeth cleaning is determined based on the extent of tartar and plaque buildup, ensuring that you receive tailored care for your needs

Cosmetic Dentistry Burwood Tile

Dental Cleaning Treatment Procedure and Aftercare

Treatment Procedure

At The Dental Practice, our dental cleaning treatment procedure involves several key steps to ensure a thorough and gentle cleaning experience for our patients:


After your dental cleaning, it is essential to follow proper aftercare to promote healing and maintain oral health. Here’s what to expect and how to take care of your teeth after a dental cleaning:

By following these aftercare guidelines, you can ensure a smooth recovery and maintain the benefits of your dental cleaning procedure.

Making Your Dental Cleaning a Priority

Your oral health is a vital aspect of your overall well-being, and scheduling regular dental cleanings is a proactive step towards maintaining a healthy and confident smile. At The Dental Practice, we prioritise patient comfort and satisfaction, delivering exceptional dental cleaning services tailored to your requirements.

If you’re ready to experience the numerous benefits of professional dental cleaning, contact us today to schedule your appointment at The Dental Practice in Burwood, NSW.

Receive our New Patient Offer for 1st time patients to our practice.

Click here to request more information regarding our comprehensive New Patient Offer for 1st time patients to the clinic.

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*Some appointments require a refundable deposit during peak hour times.