Teeth Whitening Burwood

Teeth whitening that instantly lightens teeth up to 7 shades brighter

Do you want brighter, whiter teeth? Experience the difference of dental-grade teeth whitening and be instantly blown away by how bright and white your teeth really are.

What is dentist-grade teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is the process of lightening the colour of human teeth to remove any discolouring to present an overall whiter smile.

The teeth whitening process delivers patients with whiter results, up to 7 shades whiter, when the dentist grade teeth whitening (37.5% hydrogen peroxide solution) is used in conjunction with a halogen light lamp.

Different types of teeth whitening packages we offer:

In-Chair Teeth Whitening

Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kit

Combination Package

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Teeth whitening in Sydney can cost between $199 – $1000 depending on what treatment you are receiving I.e. Take home kit, In Chair or a combination.

However, sometimes with cosmetic / smile makeover treatment packages teeth whitening is included complimentary. If you would like to see our cosmetic packages click the link below.

What are the benefits of whitening your teeth?

Many adults choose Invisalign because it is removable and clear. This makes it a great choice.

Cosmetic dentists have professional experience utilising the latest digital-dentistry technology to improve one’s overall dental appearance.

It’s documented that Improving your dental appearance helps with elevating one’s self-confidence.

Correcting broken & missing teeth or incorrect alignment can achieve normal functionality when it comes to eating.

Rectifying oral problems minimises the risk of future oral complications and bone deterioration.

How to get the best teeth whitening results in Sydney?

The best whitening results are achieved at the dentist when patients sit consecutively through 2-4 30min bleaching treatments. This process requires adequate safety precautions to protect your gums from damage during the whitening treatment.

It’s fact that the dentist grade whitening treatment is between 5-15 times stronger than take-home teeth whitening which is why receiving treatment at your dentist Burwood is the safest way to get your best results from teeth whitening.

Book your professional Teeth Whitening appointment at The Dental Practice today!

Whiten your teeth up to 7 shades brighter!

Call our office today and speak with our receptionist about whitening your teeth with instant results. 

the dental practice

Teeth Whitening Frequently Asked Questions

Most people are candidates for teeth whitening, however, there are a few restrictions so you will need to have a consultation with the dentist before you can proceed.

Teeth whitening is a safe procedure and does not affect the structure of the tooth or the enamel. It has been used in dentistry for many years. The procedure does not affect existing restorations and these will not change colour with the bleach so the dentist may recommend changing them to achieve the best results.

In-chair teeth whitening generally involves the application of a whitening gel which may or may not be activated by the application of a special light. Generally this procedure takes up to an hour and it will not require a serious of appointments as the results are generally achieved within the one teeth whitening session.

Take-home teeth whitening requires a set of custom made trays to fit your teeth. You will then apply a small amount of whitening gel to each tooth area, so that each tooth has an even application of whitening gel. You will then wear this tray on both your top and bottom teeth for a number of hours or overnight. Your dentist will be able to prescribe the correct length of time to do this treatment.

Results will take longer than they would with in-chair whitening as you will require multiple applications using your trays to achieve the same results.

Typically, teeth whitening may last 12 -24 months. However with regular use of the home whitening kit, results can last for much longer. Other factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene and diet can affect the longevity of the results.

Teeth whitening performed or recommended by your dentist is safe and has been used in dentistry for many years with no serious adverse effects ever being reported. Teeth whitening does not soften the enamel or tooth structure nor does it affect the quality of existing restorations.

Your dentist will do everything they can to maintain and improve the health of your smile, so if they think you’re not a suitable candidate for the procedure then they will not recommend it to you.

Get In Touch With Us Today!

*Some appointments require a refundable deposit during peak hour times.